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Anne Lamott essays on Salon.com

Judy Alexander writes letter to Anne Lamott

Novelist Ron Hansen distinguished between what he does as a fiction writer and what might be termed "Christian fiction" which is in fact allegory or a form of sermonizing. Instead he described "faith inspired fiction" writing as a form of praying, a genre in which "authors can adore God through their alertness to creation and to the Spirit that dwells in their talent, confess their own faults by faithfully recording the sins, failings and tendencies of their characters, offer thanksgiving through the beauty of form, language and thought in their creations." (see full article in Center for the Study of Religion and Society Newsletter, Fall, 1997)

For daily inspiration, read Madeleine L’Engle Herself: Reflections on a Writing Life by Carole F. Chase

posted February 22, 2004
Judy Alexander, webmaster