Kristin Hanley  

The Deeper Dimension

Kristin Hanley, writer and English teacher from southwest Missouri, At times, my writing may be full of pain, oppression, and turmoil, but it is possessed by a deeper power of grace, of understanding, and of hope. >>READ MORE

Enter’s essay contest:
“Should Christian fiction be placed on its own shelf at mainstream bookstores or should it be included with other fiction titles?” (500 to 2,000 words.) >>READ MORE

Artist and Audience

Kathleen Gunton, Southern California poet, fiction writer, and photographer, writes, If we abide by the idea that we are artist and audience in faith and by faith, our fiction will say more than the words we take to tell a good story.>>READ MORE

The Master's Artist
(a blog with Jules Quincy Stephens)


Show Me God's Hand: The Esther Model

Jules Quincy Stephens, a former reporter turned freelance writer from Northeastern Pennsylvania, is working on a novel, The Tamar Sisterhood. She writes: No publishing professional has confirmed this, but there might be a "God" quota, even a "Jesus" quota, in Christian fiction. >>READ MORE


Faith in Ficton

Kimberly Allen of North Carolina, an English composition teacher, lives in Pittsburgh, PA, where she is putting a husband through seminary. She writes: Dogmatic. The first time I heard that word, I pretended I knew exactly what it meant. Dr. Hallberg, a neat-sandaled-ponytailed-sixties-kind-of-guy, sarcastically informed me my short story was "sappy, boring, and basically bad" because it was too dogmatic. >>READ MORE



Abilene Christian University

LINE OF DUTY: short story by Albert Haley (In Mars Hill Review)

  Tell Me a Story, Just a Story:
The New Christian Literary Writing

Albert Haley, Writer in Residence at Abilene Christian University, writes: It seems a commonplace in the literary world to expect that when a Christian takes up the pen or places fingers on a keyboard, bad things will happen. >>READ MORE