The Life You Save May Be Your Own
An American Pilgrimage
by Paul Elie
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 554 pages, $27 US,
ISBN: 0-374-25680-2
Life You Save May Be Your Own describes the spiritual and artistic journeys
of four Catholic writers: Flannery O'Connor, Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day,
and Walker Percy.
As an
aspiring novelist who believes in Jesus, I was anxious to read this book,
hoping to find role models. Even though the book was thoroughly researched
and well-written, I was initially disappointed:
- The
language used in this collected biographies seemed too cerebral and
aloof, with insufficient dramatization of the emotional upheavals in
the subjects' lives. Because the lives of writers, and Christians, are
filled with doubt and discouragement, I wanted to find out what buoyed
up someone who'd chosen both of these faith-intensive paths simultaneously.
- The
conversion scenes were anticlimatic, following long discussions of the
books the characters had read. (The author used this approach because
the subjects had "read their way to God.")
- The
narrative was disjointed, with the four biographies alternating every
page or two.
- The
four subjects were initially people that I couldn't relate to: born
to wealth and privilege and the best education, with the luxury of time
and money to be self-obsessive, or conversely (in Dorothy Day's situation),
give themselves entirely to the masses. Either way, my first impression
was that they were free of the prosaic struggle that artists like me
have: balancing the needs of a spouse, children, and a day job with
the personal need for time and space to explore their art and relationship
with God.
I gave the book another try, and within 100 pages, I'd grown to thoroughly
love this book. I now I find myself returning again and again to the many
passages I've underlined for insight and encouragement in both the spiritual
and artistic walks.
The book's
subtitle: An American Pilgrimage, reflects the book's emphasis on the
"American Catholic" experience and the development of a group
of "American Catholic writers" (versus the already established
European Catholic writers, such as Graham Greene and Evelyn Waugh). Because
the book focuses on the subjects' reading and writing as a means of spiritual
discovery, I thought a better subtitle would be "a spiritual and
artistic pilgrimage."
The book's
subjects, who later became recognized as both literary and spiritual giants,
experienced the same struggles, both professionally and spiritually, that
I have. I became totally engrossed in reading how these ordinary people
rose to the occasion when faced with life's challenges, or at times failed
life's tests, like we all do:
- Dorothy
Day tried to balance single-motherhood with intense social activism,
often at the expense of nurturing her own daughter.
- Thomas
Merton was inwardly focused to the point of self-obsession.
- Flannery
O'Connor didn't fit in with the intellectuals of New York, but conversely,
she cringed when she imagined what Christian woman in her home state
of Georgia would think of her writing.
- Walker
Percy's insisted on weaving deep philosophical ideas into his fiction,
even though these ideas weighed down his storytelling.
As I
read on, the stories of these writers' lives became less cerebral and
more emotionally rich. Although not a Catholic myself, I read with interest
how they came to call themselves Catholics:
- Thomas
Merton sinned his way to God.
- Dorothy
Day replaced communism with Catholicism.
- Walker
Percy escaped the suicidal history of his family.
- Flannery
O'Connor was a "cradle Catholic," but her faith was tried
when she tried to live with lupus, which had claimed her dad's life
and would soon claim hers.
As with
their spiritual walk, the subjects viewed writing as an act of discovery,
something to be pursued as an act of faith. This book is not designed
to show us what good personal lives these people had (they didn't), but
rather to show how they, after deciding to believe in God, they used writing
to draw closer to God and to understand themselves better.
The four
subjects had four different lifestyles:
- Monk
- Thomas Merton explored his own internal world and personal relationship
with God.
- Activist
- Dorothy Day tried to save all the poor and downtrodden in New York.
- Family
man - Walker Percy went though the home-life cycles of the common man,
from marriage to parenting to grandparenting.
- Outsider
- Flannery O'Connor might have wanted a family, but because of shyness
and illness, never entered into a marriage match and lived instead with
her mother
lifestyles parallel the competing aspects of most writers:
- a
monk (the act of writing requires solitude)
- an
activist (claiming time for oneself sometimes requires some uprising)
- a
family member (even those who don't marry usually have some extended
family members who need their time)
- an
outsider (it's been claimed that most writers are outsiders, and that's
why we feel the urge to write.)
writers' faith seemed to ground them, saving them from the flightiness
that some artists are noted for. They were able to live in one place during
their adult years (most had traveled as younger people) in a way that
some restless artists never can. They were people of conviction and perseverance.
They all weathered setbacks and self-doubt.
Life You Save May Be Your Own: An American Pilgrimage captures the reading,
writing, and spiritual journey of four early twentieth century literary
Christians. That these four are flawed humans in need to God's grace gives
hope to the rest of us who aspire to grow as they did in both literary
skills and spiritual understanding.